child care bag

This is a little drawsting backpack that I made for Willow for ChildCare. We have a big nappy bag, but it is a bit too big. It was incredibly fiddly as I had neither a pattern nor enough material. I used a dark denim for the outer, plain pink for the lid, little strawberry material for the inside and bit strawberry material for the base.
It has a little zippered pouch inside to hold bits and pieces, it can be press studded into place.
I will be going back to work 4 days a week from the 3rd of October. On the paperwork I got sent, it said I was at a much lower level than I'd previously been employed! Today I finally got a call back to say that it was a mistake and I would actually be employed at the next step up the payscale (from when I was last employed by them in November 2005) to reflect my experience. Very happy about that!
I can't describe how stressful it has been without my wage. The effect that it has had on my health, my relationship with A and Willow is not something I want to go into here.
Pious SAHMs who don't understand what it is like to go out to work, and denigrate mothers (never the father of course, they are meant to be out there, slogging their guts out with no reprieve) who do, really frustrate me. They have no idea about people's individual situations and the conflicting demands on a WOHM's time.
Willow is already in childcare, even though I'm not working. It is hearbreaking to leave her, but it has to be done. On the bright side, I'm getting quite a bit of sewing done at home without her under my feet. Technically, I'm being a WAHM there, lol!
Love the bag Candi, she'll be the envy of everyone else with a bag like that
Congrats on going back to work Candi! Thats great news, 4 days a week is perfect. I'm looking myself at going back on a causal/part time basis myself, just 2 - 3 days. Adult company please!!!! :) Only down side I can see, less sewing time! LOL
Oh Candi, I understand your vent about pious SAHMs. I was a working mum for years and it is so hard. It really makes me appreciate being a SAHM now. Just remember it is your daughters opinion of you and your choices that count, not anyone elses. Good luck going back to work.
And I love the bag. The zippered pouch is a great idea!
yeah, i saw ignore anyone who wants to give you grief, let them walk a week in your shoes.... i will be back to work in march (this is the longest i've ever had off work) but 3 days a week. it's hard but definitely worth it :o)
Oh Candi, I love the are so inspiring, no pattern and it is absolutely fantastic.
I agree with what the girls have said. Your family is who needs to be happy and a mum that works can sometimes be a better mum than one that stays home and worries and has other stresses. You know what is best for your family. I would like to quote Brazen "Let them walk a week in your shoes" - love it, so true!
Hey Candi!
Love the bag, very nice work.
Ignore those ignoramus SAHM - they're just jealous they can't escape the kids! ;) Kidding. You're doing the right thing for your family & that's all that matters.
You've been tagged by the way!
Hope to 'see' you soon! x
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