Fruits of my labour
I didn't get quite as much done today as I thought I would have, but I'm still pretty happy with what the results:
I asked on the sewing group about organising my patterns awhile ago and eventually came up with this solution. The boxes can hold the Ottobre magazine, pattern sheets and traced patterns.

This is a quick t-shirt I made from the 2/2005 Ottobre magazine. I didn't use ribbing, but I went for a lettuce leaf hem on the neck, sleeves and waist. Love the combination of pale khaki and pink.

I got this material from Lincraft the other day. I call them her plaid punk pants! I think the ribbon detail and button flower might be a bit delicate for toddler pants, but we'll see how they go.

I also made some newborn pants for the shop from the same material but didn't put any decorations on them. Bit too fussy for a newborn, I reckon.

This is one of the covered buttons I made the other day. The hat they are to go on has been cut out, but that's as far as I have got with it!

I saw this idea for a ribbon belt in a book I saw in Borders the other day. It called for wide grosgrain ribbon, but I found this pink and green ribbon in Spotlight which was much cuter.

This is what I'm really proud of - the three pants I made out of the pillow cases. I made them to custom order so I REALLY hope they fit!
From this:

To this:

It all looks fantastic Candi. I love the detail on your pink punk pants, how did you do the bit behind the button?
What a busy sewing weekend you had! Good on you.
Candi, you have been busy. Well done I love all the stuff you have made and Willow looks very happy in her tshirt.
You have been so busy girl! Wow!! Loveeeee the punk punks! Lettuce leaf hem, haven't heard that description before, but fits perfectly, I know just the kind of hem you mean. :)
fantastic work Candi :) I love the button ribbon, how do you do it?
I am struggling to get a good lettuce leaf hem, any tips? Mine seem to not be curly enough.
Wow, you've been busy - so jealous of all your creations! Love your storage solution, are those plastic holders from a newsagent? Those pants are just gorgeous too, awesome fabric!
i can't see any of the photos BOOHOO!
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